Lake Odessa Community Library
There's something for everyone at the library!
- We provide copy, scanning, lamination, notary, and fax service.
- Are you crafty? Use our Cricut system at the library or take one home.
- Looking for tax forms? You may click HERE for IRS forms and publications.
- Click HERE for Michigan tax forms.
- Check out the internet- wifi HotSpots you can take home!
- Charge your devices with our complimentary charging station.
- Download audiobooks, emagazines, ebooks, movies, tv shows, and music.
- Check out a metal detector, power tools, sewing machines, and many other non-book items!
- Return your books in the drive-up book drop in the alley or use our front book drop.
Receive text message alerts when items are due. Text the word signup to
(844) 225-9466 and follow the prompts.
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