Ebooks, Emagazines, & Audiobooks from the Library
Emagazines can be downloaded and viewed through the Nook App. The Nook App works best on Apple products, Nooks, and Android tablets. Unfortunately, at this time, the Kindle Fire can not be used to view emagazines from the library. Currently there are over 100 emagazines that are available through the library!
In addition, more than 200 current and back issues of popular magazines, including American Girl, Country Living, HGTV Magazine, National Geographic, and more, are available through the library's subscription to Zinio. To create an account or log in to an existing account, CLICK HERE.
eMagazines through Zinio can be accessed on any desktop or laptop computer, and with the Zinio for Libraries app, are accessible on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle devices.
Ebooks & Audio books are available to patrons with resident library cards. Titles are checked out for 7-14 days and can be loaded directly to your device or through your desk top. Ebooks and Audio books are viewed/heard through the Kindle App or the Nook App, which can be installed through your device's app store for free.
To search for ebooks, audio books, and emagazines, please CLICK HERE. You'll be linked to our co-op website where you can browse thousands of titles.
Digital devices can have unique features as you are learning how to download titles.
Please feel free to bring your device in to the library so that we can assist you!